Wearable Patient Monitoring
Smartphone app with web / desktop frontend, created for the continuous monitoring of discharged patients or in home care by the specialist.
Therefore, it offers reduction of costs related to improper hospitalization thanks to a monitoring tool for the doctor / hospital directly connected to the patient.
The app is the evolution of WTC (We Take Care) presented as part of EACS 2013 in Brussels
Flu Monitoring and Contact Tracing
Smartphone app with web / desktop frontend, created for the continuous monitoring of discharged patients or in home care by the specialist.
Therefore, it offers reduction of costs related to improper hospitalization thanks to a monitoring tool for the doctor / hospital directly connected to the patient.
The app is the evolution of WTC (We Take Care) presented as part of EACS 2013 in Brussels
Health Assistance and Home Delivery Drugs
Internal Development part of Smartphone app dedicated to facilitating the purchase of drugs and ancillary services offered by local pharmacies with home delivery service.
Brain Assitant Suite
ISY is an application featuring a WEB client, usable through the main Desktop browsers and
Mobile, and from a Mobile App version.
The application aims to put the doctor in contact with the patient, the doctor has the ability to contact the patient with messages, request tests and documents, book outpatient or video call appointments.
Finally Here
HumanInsight nasce nel 2013 sotto forma di incubatore di idee scientifiche da applicare nella gestione clinica in campo medico, un Start-up in fase alpha.
Da allora sono trascorsi quasi 4 anni e tante cose sono cambiate. Molte idee sono state rivalutate, modificate, altre consolidate.
Tanto abbiamo girato presentando studi scientifici basati sui nostri applicativi da Bruxelles al WebSummitt di Dublino ed alla fine siamo tornati nel posto dove tutto ha avuto inizio, Napoli.
Da incubatore di idee/Start-up, oggi Humaninsight diviene una realtà pronta a distribuire e commercializzare i propri applicativi nella gestione della patologie d'interesse clinico/piscologico/sociale o per finalità legate a studi clinici.
Stay tuned!