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28 Giugno 2018
What makes online substance-use interventions engaging? A systematic review and narrative synthesis.

What makes online substance-use interventions engaging? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Related Articles What makes online substance-use interventions engaging? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Digit Health. 2018 Jan-Dec;4:2055207617743354 Authors: Milward J, Drummond C, Fincham-Campbell S, Deluca P Abstract Background: Online substance-use interventions are effective in producing reductions in harmful-use. However, low user engagement […]

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28 Giugno 2018
Acceptability and willingness to pay for telemedicine services in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria.

Acceptability and willingness to pay for telemedicine services in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria. Related Articles Acceptability and willingness to pay for telemedicine services in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria. Digit Health. 2017 Jan-Dec;3:2055207617715524 Authors: Arize I, Onwujekwe O Abstract Background: This study examines the level of awareness, acceptability and consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for telemedicine […]

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24 Giugno 2018
Persuasive Technology to Support Active and Healthy Ageing: an exploration of Past, Present, and Future.

Persuasive Technology to Support Active and Healthy Ageing: an exploration of Past, Present, and Future. Persuasive Technology to Support Active and Healthy Ageing: an exploration of Past, Present, and Future. J Biomed Inform. 2018 Jun 20;: Authors: Cabrita M, Op den Akker H, Tabak M, Hermens HJ, Vollenbroek-Hutten MMR Abstract The age of the population […]

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24 Giugno 2018
Dermatology ECHO: A case presentation demonstrating benefits of specialty telementoring in primary care.

Dermatology ECHO: A case presentation demonstrating benefits of specialty telementoring in primary care. Related Articles Dermatology ECHO: A case presentation demonstrating benefits of specialty telementoring in primary care. J Telemed Telecare. 2018 Jan 01;:1357633X18780562 Authors: Ladd R, Becevic M, Misterovich H, Edison K Abstract Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common dermatologic disorder that is […]

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24 Giugno 2018
The role of telehealth counselling with mobile self-monitoring on blood pressure reduction among overseas Koreans with high blood pressure in Vietnam.

The role of telehealth counselling with mobile self-monitoring on blood pressure reduction among overseas Koreans with high blood pressure in Vietnam. Related Articles The role of telehealth counselling with mobile self-monitoring on blood pressure reduction among overseas Koreans with high blood pressure in Vietnam. J Telemed Telecare. 2018 Jan 01;:1357633X18780559 Authors: Lee HY, Kim JY, […]

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23 Giugno 2018
Syndromic surveillance and its utilisation for mass gatherings.

Syndromic surveillance and its utilisation for mass gatherings. Related Articles Syndromic surveillance and its utilisation for mass gatherings. Epidemiol Infect. 2018 Jun 22;:1-3 Authors: Berry AC Abstract Tremendous advancements in syndromic surveillance strategies over the last two decades, and specifically from prior mass gatherings, have been incorporated into day-to-day healthcare analysis worldwide and have left […]

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23 Giugno 2018
The Prescription of Mobile Apps by Primary Care Teams: A Pilot Project in Catalonia.

The Prescription of Mobile Apps by Primary Care Teams: A Pilot Project in Catalonia. Related Articles The Prescription of Mobile Apps by Primary Care Teams: A Pilot Project in Catalonia. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018 Jun 21;6(6):e10701 Authors: Lopez Segui F, Pratdepadua Bufill C, Abdon Gimenez N, Martinez Roldan J, Garcia Cuyas F Abstract BACKGROUND: In […]

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23 Giugno 2018
Open Notes in Swedish Psychiatric Care (Part 2): Survey Among Psychiatric Care Professionals.

Open Notes in Swedish Psychiatric Care (Part 2): Survey Among Psychiatric Care Professionals. Related Articles Open Notes in Swedish Psychiatric Care (Part 2): Survey Among Psychiatric Care Professionals. JMIR Ment Health. 2018 Jun 21;5(2):e10521 Authors: Petersson L, Erlingsdóttir G Abstract BACKGROUND: This is the second of two papers presenting the results from a study of […]

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23 Giugno 2018
Analysis of the Updated Swedish Regulatory Framework of the Patient Accessible Electronic Health Record in Relation to Usage Experience.

Analysis of the Updated Swedish Regulatory Framework of the Patient Accessible Electronic Health Record in Relation to Usage Experience. Related Articles Analysis of the Updated Swedish Regulatory Framework of the Patient Accessible Electronic Health Record in Relation to Usage Experience. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;245:798-802 Authors: Scandurra I, Pettersson M, Eklund B, Lyttkens L Abstract […]

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23 Giugno 2018
Equality Challenges in the Use of eHealth: Selected Results from a Danish Citizens Survey.

Equality Challenges in the Use of eHealth: Selected Results from a Danish Citizens Survey. Related Articles Equality Challenges in the Use of eHealth: Selected Results from a Danish Citizens Survey. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;245:793-797 Authors: Petersen LS, Bertelsen P Abstract The increased focus on and use of citizen/patient generated health data has spurred a […]

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